Many of our projects are performed on a design-build basis, from inception to completion. This results to major savings in project costs and completion time. We also work with design professionals (including engineers and architects) and construction managers for private owners or public agencies.
Design-Build Services Provided
- Seismic/Earthquake Retrofit, Renovations Major Structural Repairs
- Multi-unit multi-story Apartments , Soft Story, Tuck Under Parking.
- Unreinforced Masonry (URM) Buildings.
- Concrete Tilt-up Buildings.
- Non Ductile Concrete Buildings.
- Commercial, Retail, Industrial Buildings.
- Historic landmark Buildings.
- Ground up new construction.
Engineering Services
- Apartment & condominium buildings soft story seismic retrofit screening, evaluation and design in conformance to soft story Ordinance, including all City submittals.
- Complete engineering & architectural services including, structural and seismic retrofit evaluation, structural and architectural design, ADA handicap accessibility requirements, preparation of plans, calculations, submittals to the City, obtain of permits, field observations and obtain of the “Final” for the project.
- We also provide value engineering on projects previously engineered, to optimize the design and save costs without compromising safety standards and code regulatory requirements.
Seismic Retrofit Construction Services
Our seismic retrofit construction services include but are not limited to the following:
- Installation of complete new wood framed shear wall system.
- Shop preparation and field erection of new structural frames (steel moment resisting frames, steel braced frames or a combination of both) and seismic collector system.
- Installation of new reinforced concrete foundations for new seismic elements.
- Strengthening of roof and floor diaphragms with new plywood shear panels.
- Placement of new concrete shear wall systems consisting of reinforced concrete, shotcrete or concrete masonry block walls on new foundations, where required.
- Placement of steel anchors and hardware between the concrete and or brick masonry walls and roof or floor diaphragms (known as floor-to-wall combination anchors).
- Installation of secondary supports under main beams pocketed into unreinforced brick masonry walls.
- Installation of wall braces for lateral support of unreinforced brick masonry walls.
- Installation of parapet and chimney braces for unreinforced brick masonry walls.
- Strengthening of wood framed cripple walls with shear transfer clips, foundation anchor bolts, hold downs and plywood bracing.
- The above activities (excavation, concrete, masonry, steel and wood framing including finish works, etc.) are all provided by our own experienced full time field personnel.
General Construction Services
Our general construction services include but are not limited to new construction, repairs, remodeling or tenant improvements:
- Complete ground-up construction (excavation, foundation, framing, utilities, finishes).
- Replacement of concrete foundation systems and base plates, sill plates and anchor bolts.
- Replacement of structural wood-framed, steel-framed or concrete-framed construction systems for and structural floors, walls.
- Installation of new roofing membranes, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, elevator system, communications systems, kitchens (with hood, fire safety and other mechanical/electrical requirements), doors, windows, storefronts, handicap accessible restrooms and interior/exterior finishes, including stone, wood and metal, throughout the project. We work with a network of cost effective, fully insured and fast track sub-contractors which normally provide the non structural activities of our construction.
Mandatory Disability Access Improvement Services
Handicap accessible facility at commercial, retail buildings including:
- Compliance with San Francisco Ordinance # 51-16, Mandatory Disability Access Improvement Program.
- Checklist compliance form and compliance affidavit.
- Visit building, take photos, complete checklist compliance form for primary entry compliance ckecklist.
- Design accessible entry, obtain permits, provide construction, City inspections and obtain of approvals.